Tacoma February 2018
My second stop of the offseason was back home to Tacoma. A time for me to visit family, friends and further develop the project we want to work on in the city in 2018. I was especially excited for this trip after being invited to speak before teachers and community leaders in the Clover Park School District.
Before speaking at the community meeting I had the incredible privilege of being able to meet with Lakewood’s newly-formed Community Engagement Leadership Team and educational speaker Jamie Vollmer. It’s encouraging to see leaders from all sectors in the Tacoma area meeting together intent on making their community stronger in support of kids. I look forward to being involved as they get to work!
That night I was given the opportunity to share my story in front of teachers, parents and community members of the Clover Park School District. I was able to share the ways my family, community and education have helped me overcome adversity, and the ways in which we as leaders and adults can support children to do the same. I was also able to introduce Jamie Vollmer, whose vision for change in the world of education is pretty big and pretty awesome.
Over the course of the week I was also able to visit the construction site for the soon-to-come Eastside Community Center, a partnership between MetroParks and the Boys & Girls Club. The center is going to include a recording studio, pool, meeting spaces and more for the Tacoma community, such a blessing for the East side!
Before leaving I made sure to visit my alma maters – Gray Middle School and Lakes High School – as well as my mom’s school, Pacific Middle School. I love visiting the places that made me who I am and I’m so grateful for the hardworking teachers at each of these schools.
I continue to be inspired by all those working to better the lives of kids in the Tacoma Metro area. Thank you for all that you do!
Great things to come this year! Thank you all for your support of the B3 Foundation.